-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 04/07/2014 11:34 AM, Mike Hearn wrote: > At the start of February we had 10,000 bitcoin nodes. Now we have 8,500 and > still falling: > > http://getaddr.bitnodes.io/dashboard/chart/?days=60 > > I know all the reasons why people *might* stop running a node (uses too > much disk space, bandwidth, lost interest etc). But does anyone have any > idea how we might get more insight into what's really going on? It'd be > convenient if the subVer contained the operating system, as then we could > tell if the bleed was mostly from desktops/laptops (Windows/Mac), which > would be expected, or from virtual servers (Linux), which would be more > concerning. It doesn't do much good to only focus on the immediate symptoms at the exclusion of big picture trends. There are three things happening now that have nothing to do with operating systems. 1. The resource requirements of a full node are moving beyond the capabilities of casual users. This isn't inherently a problem - after all most people don't grow their own food, tailor their own clothes, or keep blacksmith tools handy in to forge their own horseshoes either. 2. The growth of small and medium-sized native Bitcoin businesses is lagging #1. Native here means their revenue and expenses are both denominated in BTC. Most business adoption we've seen so far doesn't actually handle bitcoins themselves. They use Bitcoin as a payment method whose processing they outsource. Contributing to this is the fact that Bitcoin Core, although it has made great progress in the 0.9 release, can't be accurately described as "enterprise ready". 3. The P2P protocol used by the network is broken from an incentive perspective. Resource usage wouldn't be a problem as long as the users which consume resources pay for them and the users who provide resources are compensated, and they communicate via an efficient price discovery mechanism. Right now there is no obvious way to incorporate price discovery for bandwidth usage or storage space without a completely new P2P protocol, and the effectiveness with which progress has been blocked towards price discovery of transaction fees (the area where it is most obviously necessary) means that I'm not optimistic that this subject will ever be effectively addressed by Bitcoin Core. - -- Support online privacy by using email encryption whenever possible. Learn how here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bakOKJFtB-k -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/ iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJTQsgzAAoJECoisBQbQ4v0ZA8H/1YIJAg7AEUUe5RnuuAz7lVV uiHtpmbmGaZ+Bd0qi1DEfPdeBP9bDKpO3O5napmtz+mqIE5H3VgAVg7z9U0sMf16 sZAJIWuVCg2drY/NaE+n3TKEEd4Z1Zj51rWde/KD6xjgR2usV9nLugkEJdLNahZu 0EbdAv40oCSZ8PScNElYqQyM8qcbta7LuDRCnnWvCyunZJzL4LSkQwDcsAWQ+oSv FyqKY/e1Kd6mLyrN/NppMzdqiLv95zmE56Qkh6rlKeF+JgXxlfiEfDv8osl8IWJR TOpmW0Dr+E4qe9E3nA7X5gV46nf8gxGZ4b0cUP+wivN9RRaE27+JlKhKaAV3ulc= =vdPa -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----