-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 04/23/2014 06:15 PM, Peter Todd wrote: > But I also agree with Gavin that the bitcoin-development email list > is a perfectly good place to have these types of discussions. I > myself have used it repeatedly to publish ideas specifically due to > wide readership and multiple independent archives. A development list is a great place to decide how to implement a technical feature, one that feature has been deemed desirable. The chief scientist has a platform via which he can publicly announce proposed protocol changes. Anyone else could do the same. There are conference happening all the time where people can announce ideas like this, to give time for the community to hear the idea and generate feedback. There is absolutely nothing so urgent about this attack that requires the consensus process to start here, in a place that most Bitcoin users don't even know about and wouldn't even know which search terms to apply to look for such a discussion if they did. >> PS: We don't even know who runs BitUndo. They seem to have lots >> of money to spend on web design - I wonder where it came from? > > Actually we do: Eric Springer > > See > > http://www.coindesk.com/double-spending-unconfirmed-transactions-concern-bitcoin/ > > https://github.com/espringe - joined Feb 11 2010 > > Anyway that's just twitter bootstrap or something; I hear the > wizards can pump out a site like that in a few hours. > I stand corrected. - -- Support online privacy by using email encryption whenever possible. Learn how here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bakOKJFtB-k -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/ iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJTWARRAAoJECoisBQbQ4v08kkIAKMSSCn9mBCMj6RwWHK6abud UlaKOAh4LNAaJ+pIQD103EGH3JE9pzeaDouupTbdIHqb8CxVO3dn9UFXdfkDW1cf YsOOfE0N5crfaODd+NU6jjaf5jXOgmT2ibCU3sSjmphDBMstZfrSaCljtyaj290Y urnW1pdL5ZA0zLAUjNO2kXSbuHaE3CTz72s4dWsiRBsQLVAD8j5C5o8gxFVeZd7s Ba4yGtGAsd0HWikUjE2L4G/J8RzbxUrm5w31A4lawkF+SqtJcFiwoxrXX+FVdi/8 rfAY/l0EBoRrkW+cajcj29eq1eOOIER0Zcu2FzpPc45Xywh9RCh8C3zgWitOvcI= =IR+Y -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----