On 04/22/2014 09:30 AM, Warren Togami Jr. wrote: > Bitcoin-Translators mailing list is an announce-only mailing list for > developers to communicate to translators at particular times when new > translations are needed. Replies and discussion would go to the > bitcoin dev list. Subscriptions to this list would additionally be > valuable to the project as it allows for a convenient way to ask for > translations of other related projects like bitcoin.org > that are hosted on theTransifex platform. > Whenever source strings of significance are changed or deadlines are > announced, translators will learn of work to be done in Transifex > quickly as they will all be subscribed to this announce list. > Discussion of translation issues should be on the Bitcoin-Development > list. > > Development Roadmap of Bitcoin Core 0.9.2 > > The Bitcoin Core developers have a desire to do a mostly bug-fix and > translation update release in v0.9.2. A feature and string freeze will > start about 3 weeks from now. > > > The purpose of this development roadmap is to communicate the project > intent and to better organize volunteers. Hopefully doing so will make > clear when particular types of contributions are most welcome and help > to push the release process forward in a more timely manner while also > improving the quality of the release. Missing a target goal is OK. > The developers may decide to delay particular goals if there are good > reasons on a case-by-case basis. While schedules may slip, it is > generally a good thing for a goal to have existed. > > > Schedule (subject to change) > > 13 May 2014:Feature freeze. Source string freeze. Release candidate. > > 20 May 2014: Testing of a release candidate is roughly a week. More > time can be added at the discretion of the developers to allow for > testing if further release candidates are deemed necessary due to > subsequent changes. > > > Nightly Gitian Builds > > https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=571414.0 > > To make it easier for non-developers and translators to get involved > in testing unofficial deterministic nightly builds are now available. > > > Warren Togami I see that the latest nightly build (thanks for that, Warren) is still not compatible with Tails/Debian Squeeze. Is there still an intention to address this issue? Might it be fixed by 0.9.2?