On 04/23/2014 04:39 PM, Warren Togami Jr. wrote:
On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Kristov Atlas <kristovatlas@gmail.com> wrote:
I see that the latest nightly build (thanks for that, Warren) is still not compatible with Tails/Debian Squeeze. Is there still an intention to address this issue? Might it be fixed by 0.9.2?

If I understand the situation, bitcoind does work but not bitcoin-qt due to qt-4.6?  If that is so, then the official Bitcoin 0.8.6 binaries didn't work on Squeeze either this is not a regression.

The priority is for bitcoind to work on as many distributions as reasonably possible as older stable distributions are most often headless.  If you are a rare user who needs Bitcoin-Qt on an incompatible system you can at least build it from source.


Bitcoin-Qt 0.8.6 worked fine on Tails (and Debian Squeeze, I assume). So, it is a regression.

Here's output from the latest nightly build for Linux:
amnesia@amnesia:~/bitcoin-$ ./bitcoin-qt
./bitcoin-qt: symbol lookup error: ./bitcoin-qt: undefined symbol: _ZN19QAbstractProxyModel11setItemDataERK11QModelIndexRK4QMapIi8QVariantE
Since Tails has many simple development tools like "make" stripped out for security reasons, one could not simply build from source in Tails. It might be possible to build in Debian Squeeze and transplant that, however. I'll have to give that a shot some time. I'd argue that Tails is an incredibly important -- and hardly obscure -- Linux distribution that Bitcoin should endeavour to support. See: https://tails.boum.org/press/index.en.html
