In a previous e-mail Mike Hearn asked me how I was going to handle 17K block headers a day in my NimbleCoin currency in a the SPV mode.
I designed a variation of the standard headers-only SPV mode I called SmartSPV. This mode could also be implemented by BitcoinJ for Bitcoin.

The method is explained here:

But I copy the whole blog post in this e-mail so you don't need to click on it.

SmartSPV – A better Simplified Payment Verification for Smartphones

NimbleCoin is a new cryptocurrency I’ll be hopefully launching soon. One of its nice features is that it uses the FastBlock5 protocol (a 5 seconds block interval) to achieve near instant payments. Because NimbleCoin also implements merged mining, each block header can be as large as 700 bytes (including Merkle branch and coinbase transaction). Yesterday Mike Hearn asked my a difficult question: how would NimbleCoin SPV nodes (such as the ones running on smartphones) process tons of headers if the bandwidth is limited or the clients are disconnected from the Internet for long periods?

The answer is Smart-SPV, a variation of the standard SPV headers-only mode that allows a smartphone to keep a fairly accurate state of the wallet balance without downloading all the missing headers and without sacrificing battery life and time.

Headers-only SPV clients downloads a complete copy of the headers for all blocks in the entire blockchain but not all the transactions. In order to update the user wallet, SPV clients ask their peers to filter those blocks that contains transactions that the SPV is interested in, such as those that have payments to their own bitcoin addresses. This is done using bloom filters.

In Smart-SPV mode, when a client is missing block headers two things happen simultaneously:

1. The client starts downloading block headers from the last one solved backwards.

2. The client starts downloading the blocks headers from the first missing header, forward.

While the client catches up with all the missing blocks, the wallet balance may not be fully reliable. Nevertheless if a new payment is received and confirmed, or a new payment is made, the wallet will increased the balance and show it. This is what the user expects.

How it works

A live block is a block which is the last block of the block-chain and it’s received on time (it has a time-stamp near the current time). Each time a live block is received, it is flagged as LIVE and this flag is stored permanently with the block.  A live transaction is a transaction that is included in a live block. When a live transaction is confirmed by 6 blocks flagged as LIVE the transaction is considered mature. A mature transaction may be included in a block that is still orphan. All mature transactions are scanned and used to compute the balance of the wallet. Also all transactions that are included in blocks rooted at the last checkpoint and finishing in the last live block are also considered mature (this is the standard condition). Since the wallet always modifies the balance according to mature transactions, an payment is received and acknowledged even if the branch where it is included is still orphaned. If the SPV client clock is correctly synchronized, the Smart-SPV protocol does not pose any additional security risk different from the known SPV limitations.