Maybe this has already been discussed, but I have not found anything online. To the best of my knowledge, the only BIP which specifies a HD structure for multisig wallets is BIP45. Unfortunately, when used in a multi-account fashion, BIP45 gets very tricky very fast. In fact, one has to either use a new master for every multisig account (hence having to backup many master private keys) or use the same master for many multisig accounts, resulting in deterministic but complex and undesirable key reuse. I would like to propose a new structure for multi-account multisig wallets. This structure follows the derivation scheme of other proposals (in particular BIP44 and BIP49) but adds a level to take into account multisig accounts separation. In particular, the structure should be as follows: m/purpose'/coin_type'/account'/cosigner_index/change/address_index In this case, a user can create many multisig accounts (each one will be a different account number) and give his/her account's public derivation to the cosigners. From this point on, the creation of a multisig P2SH address will follow the same procedure as described in BIP45, with each cosigner selecting his branch from the other cosigners' trees. Would this proposal be acceptable as a BIP? Simone Bronzini