On 06/01/2015 08:55 AM, Mike Hearn wrote: >> Decentralization is the core of Bitcoin's security model and thus that's what gives Bitcoin its value. > No. Usage is what gives Bitcoin value. Nonsense. Visa, Dollar, Euro, Yuan, Peso have usage. The value in Bitcoin is *despite* it's far lesser usage. Yes, the price is a function of demand, but demand is a function of utility. Despite orders of magnitude less usage than state currencies, Bitcoin has utility. This premium *only* exists due to its lack of centralized control. I would not work full time, or at all, on Bitcoin if it was not for decentralization; nor would I hold any of it. I doubt anyone would show an interest in Bitcoin if it was not decentralized. If it centralized even you would be forced to find something else to do, because Bitcoin "usage" would drop to zero. > It's kind of maddening that I have to point this out. Decentralisation is a means to an end. No, it was/is the primary objective. Paypal had already been done. If anything is maddening it's that you of all people can't see this. When people talk about the core innovation of Bitcoin, it's a conversation about Byzantine Generals, not wicked growth hacking. > in April 2009 and it was perfectly decentralised [...] every wallet was a full node and every computer was capable of mining. So if you believe what you just wrote [...] Bitcoin's value has gone down every day since An obvious non sequitur. By way of example, if 10 of 10 participants are capable of mining it is not more decentralized than if 1,000 in 100,000 are doing so. 1,000 *people* in control vs. 10 is two orders of magnitude more decentralized. The *percentage* of the community that mines is totally irrelevant, it's the absolute number of (independent) people that matters. I'm not making a statement on block size, just trying to help ensure that ill-considered ideas, like this inversion of the core value proposition, stay on the margins. e