
I'm not sure if anyone has submitted a request for gmane to monitor and archive this new list, but I did. Maybe it's not best for many people to re-request that? For those who aren't aware, gmane has a nice HTTP/HTML archive as well as a newsgroup proxy that is also very nice for reading the archive. They'll also subscribe the list to mail-archive.com for you.

I've also noticed that gmane (http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.bitcoin.devel) does not have exactly the same archive for the old bitcoin-development list (http://sourceforge.net/p/bitcoin/mailman/bitcoin-development/). It's missing a few months at the beginning. The new list archive does contain the same thing as the old list (https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/).

gmane has an option to import old archives, so I'm seeing if they can do that with the https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/ list, since it is complete. In order to avoid confusion on what list is the most complete, if they can, I may request them delete or rename their old, incomplete archive at http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.bitcoin.devel . It's possible they could even make this new list use that same name after deleting or renaming that old archive.

There is also bitcoin-list (http://sourceforge.net/p/bitcoin/mailman/bitcoin-list/). I think that one may be discontinued? That list appears to be older and contains some of Satoshi's original e-mails. On gmane though (http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.bitcoin.user), it is missing the first few years of archives. Do we want to try and preserve this historical correspondence on any way before sourceforce disappears?

Regarding message footers and the subject prefix of [bitcoin-dev], it would be cool if mailman allowed people to change this on a per-user basis.

Andy Schroder
On 06/21/2015 05:29 PM, Warren Togami Jr. wrote:
Hi folks,

The move is now complete.  The previous archive has been fully imported and new posts here will now be saved.

Greylisting Notice 
Your first post to this list may be delayed by 5+ minutes due to Greylisting. Subsequent posts should go through without delay. Contact Freenode #bitcoin-dev if you have any questions or concerns.

  • LF will be upgrading Mailman soon to better handle posts from DKIM enforced domains.
  • There will be a few more config tweaks like auto-rejecting non-subscribed posts.  Nobody has time to moderate this list, and mail silently disappearing into the moderation hold blackhole is worse than an instant reject message telling people to subscribe.   Unfortunately, it is too dangerous to auto-reject spam ... those messages need to go into a blackhole to prevent bounce abuse.
Warren Togami 

bitcoin-dev mailing list