On 06/30/2015 02:54 PM, Adam Back wrote: > Decentralisation is key to Bitcoin's security model, and it's > differentiating properties. Continually repeating this statement without defining terms or providing evidence does not make it true or informative. "Decentralization" is a popular buzzword these days, but how about stating the problem description in a way that is more precise and accurate? One of Bitcoin's differentiating properties is that it prevents double spending without using a trusted third party. Now instead of arguing about some nebulous "decentralization" that nobody can define or measure, we can talk about more helpful questions like: Under what circumstances will miners and/or nodes behave as a trusted third party (collusion)? What incentives exist which increase, and which reduce, any tendencies that may exist for nodes to collude? In what ways specifically does MAX_BLOCK_SIZE relate to either of the following questions?