Hi! I hope this is not a stupid question, but I thought I'd ask here first instead of opening a Github ticket (in case I'm wrong). With the recently merged "obfuscation" patch, content of the "chainstate" LevelDB is obfuscated by XOR'ing against a random "key". This is handled by CLevelDBWrapper's Read/Write methods, which probably cover most of the usecases. *However*, shouldn't it also be handled when iterating over the database? In particular, I would expect that the obfuscation key is applied before line 119 in txdb.cpp (i. e., while iterating over the coin database in CCoinsViewDB::GetStats). Is there a reason why this need not be done there, or is this an actual oversight? Yours, Daniel -- http://www.domob.eu/ OpenPGP: 1142 850E 6DFF 65BA 63D6 88A8 B249 2AC4 A733 0737 Namecoin: id/domob -> https://nameid.org/?name=domob -- Done: Arc-Bar-Cav-Hea-Kni-Ran-Rog-Sam-Tou-Val-Wiz To go: Mon-Pri