Hi I have just PRed a draft version of two BIPs I recently wrote. https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/pull/362 Two BIPs that addresses the problem of decoupling wallets/clients from nodes while assuming a user (or a group) know the remote peer. Authentication would be necessary to selective allow bloom filtering of transactions, encryption or any other node service that might lead to fingerprinting or resource attacks. Authentication would also be a pre-requirement for certificate free encryption-handshakes that is (enough?) resistant to MITM attacks. Encryption is highly recommended if you connect a SPV node to a trusted node. Authentication would allow accessing private p2p extensions from a remote SPV peer (example: fee estimation). I'm aware of other methods to increase privacy and integrity (tor, VPN, stunnel, etc.), however I think authentication and a basic communication encryption should be part of the protocol and its setup should be complete hassle-free. Thanks for your feeback. /jonas