> I have just PRed a draft version of two BIPs I recently wrote. > https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/pull/362 Hi. I just updated the PR above with another overhaul of the BIP. It's still under heavy review/work, nevertheless – at this point – any feedback is highly welcome. Changes since last update: -> Removed AES256-GCM as cipher suite -> Focusing on Chacha20-Poly1305 (implementation size ~300L) -> Two symmetric cipher keys must be calculated by HMAC_SHA512 from the ecdh secret -> A session-ID (both directions) must be calculated (HMAC_SHA256) for linking an identity authentication (ecdsa sig of the session-ID) with the encryption -> Re-Keying ('=hash(old_key)') can be announced by the responding peer (after x minutes and/or after x GB, local peer policy but not shorter then 10mins). -> AEAD tag is now the last element in the new message format It is very likely that the encrypted message format performs slightly better than the current message format (removing the SHA256 checksum). ---