A very good point. I have realized the immature nature of my suggestion due to this and a number of other good remarks, and will like to retract the initial suggestion.  

Thank you and all the best

Martin Damgaard


Fra: Karl-Johan Alm
Sendt: 12. september 2018 08:14
Til: damgaard.martin@gmail.com; Bitcoin Protocol Discussion
Emne: Re: [bitcoin-dev] Suggestion for a universal bitcoin value scale


A potential problem is that it would be a new attack vector to simply

color something to appear as e.g. 10x more than it really is, if

everyone started using this system.

On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 5:27 AM Martin Damgaard via bitcoin-dev

<bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:


> Hi bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org


> Here is my humble attempt to make a contribution to the impressive work that you all are doing.


> I am unfamiliar with the normal BIP procedures. I have therefore just tried to follow the example of BIP 176 by Jimmy Song, in order make something similar. I suggest a universal bitcoin value color scale, for tackling the same decimal problem, as identified by the BIP 176 proposal.


> I have attached the document in three different formats (*.rtf, *.pdf and *.docx) as I do not know your preferred format. I hope you will find my suggestion useful.




> Thank you and all the best


> Martin Damgaard


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