> so mining is not doing a great job at distributing testnet coins any more

It is a feature, not a bug. Would people want to reset Bitcoin main network in the future, for exactly the same reasons? Or would they want to introduce "tail supply", or other similar inventions, to provide sufficient incentive for miners? This testnet3 is unique, because it has quite low block reward. And that particular feature should be preserved, even if the network would be resetted (for example, it could be "after 12 halvings, but where all previous coins were burned"). And not, it is not the same as starting from 50 tBTC, as long as fee rates are left unchanged (and 0.014 TBTC means "the ability to push around 1.4 MB of data, with feerate of 1 sat/vB", instead of 50 tBTC, which means "pushing 5 GB with the same feerate").

> a rather amusing edge case bug that causes the difficulty to regularly get reset to 1

It can be fixed in a soft-fork way, no network reset is needed to achieve that. Because if there is a block number X, and it could have minimal difficulty, under the current rules, then it is possible to reject it, and enforce the higher difficulty. In general, increasing difficulty is a soft-fork. For example, if someone would enforce testnet difficulty on regtest, it would be perfectly valid. All that is needed, is just rejecting more block hashes, so even if all fields are left unchanged, the old client could see, that the 32-bit difficulty field says "minimal", but produced blocks are not accepted, and "the true difficulty" is put anywhere else, for example just after the block number in the coinbase transaction.

> Testnet3 is being actively used for scammy airdrops

This is because mining is costly, and because coins are never "resetted", so they are never "worthless". Pointing at some chain, and saying "this should be worthless" is not enough to make it. There are no consensus rules to ensure that test coins are truly worthless. There is no "automatic reset", or any "demurrage". If large amounts of coins are misused, then that misuse can be stopped, by burning coins, or invalidating them in any other way, for example "the coin is unspendable, if it was created during the previous halving". As long as there are no such rules, resetting the network won't help in the long term, so something new is needed, to discourage assigning any value into test coins.

> Should we plan for a reset of testnet?

I guess the answer is "yes", but maybe not by "throwing away the whole existing chain", but just by "fixing errors one-by-one". For example, fixing blockstorms as a soft-fork would be a good starting point. And in practice, it may turn out, that all fixes could be applied in a soft-fork way, which would be the best, because then it would be enforced also on non-upgraded clients.

> If so, given how long it has been since the last reset and how many production systems will need to be updated, would a reset need to be done with a great deal of notice?

No additional "notice" would be needed, if every "fix" would be a soft-fork, and if all old clients would follow all new changes.

> Is there interest in fixing the difficulty reset bug?

Yes. But because it could be a soft-fork, miners could signal readiness in block versions. Also, as with every other soft-fork, it would have additional advantage, that if someone would want to locally test "blockstorms", then that person would be able to locally create a chain, where that particular soft-fork would be inactive. Which means, that it would be still possible, to download the new chain, and disable that soft-fork locally, if someone would need it.

> Would such a change, which would technically be a hard fork

It would be a soft-fork. Each difficulty increase is a soft-fork, because "old blocks are invalid in a new version" (they don't meet increased difficulty), but also "new blocks are valid in an old version" (they meet the old difficulty, exactly as the mainnet Genesis Block with 40 leading zero bits meets the required difficulty with 32 leading zeroes).

> necessitate a BIP or could we just YOLO it?

Well, it is possible to just add some flag, like "-blockstorm=0". Then, some miners could activate it, just like they activated full-RBF. And if the majority would want to get rid of blockstorms, then it would just happen naturally, if the majority would simply reject blockstorms in a soft-fork way. I think it is not that important to make a BIP, unless you really want to get through the whole process.

> Is all of the above a waste of time and we should instead deprecate testnet in favor of signet?

This scenario is also possible, but probably not in the way you think. Transition from testnet into signet is a perfect soft-fork. If you decide, that since block number N, all blocks should be signed with "signet challenge", then it would lead to a natural conversion from permissionless mining into permissioned mining. You can implement it, and start with OP_TRUE, to test, if everything is working correctly. And then, you can apply for example "OP_1 <taproot_address>" as the signet challenge, and then use all TapScript features to sign new testnet3 blocks.

sunday, 31 march 2024 at 15:24:34 UTC+2 Jameson Lopp wrote:
Hi all,

I'd like to open a discussion about testnet3 to put out some feelers on potential changes to it. First, a few facts:

1. Testnet3 has been running for 13 years. It's on block 2.5 million something and the block reward is down to ~0.014 TBTC, so mining is not doing a great job at distributing testnet coins any more.

2. The reason the block height is insanely high is due to a rather amusing edge case bug that causes the difficulty to regularly get reset to 1, which causes a bit of havoc. If you want a deep dive into the quirk: https://blog.lopp.net/the-block-storms-of-bitcoins-testnet/

3. Testnet3 is being actively used for scammy airdrops; those of us who tend to be generous with our testnet coins are getting hounded by non-developers chasing cheap gains.

4. As a result, TBTC is being actively bought and sold; one could argue that the fundamental principle of testnet coins having no value has been broken.

This leads me to ponder the following questions, for which I'm soliciting feedback.

1. Should we plan for a reset of testnet? If so, given how long it has been since the last reset and how many production systems will need to be updated, would a reset need to be done with a great deal of notice?

2. Is there interest in fixing the difficulty reset bug? It should be a one liner fix, and I'd argue it could be done sooner rather than later, and orthogonal to the network reset question. Would such a change, which would technically be a hard fork (but also arguably a self resolving fork due to the difficulty dynamics) necessitate a BIP or could we just YOLO it?

3. Is all of the above a waste of time and we should instead deprecate testnet in favor of signet?

- Jameson

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