Headers first loading allows the node to run SPV from the very first minutes and it can converge to full node by time.
This is BTW how newest versions of BOP can work.

Pruning however disqualifies the node as a source for bootstrapping an other full node. 
BTW, did we already agree on the service bits for an archive node?

Tamas Blummer

On 07.04.2014, at 20:23, Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> wrote:

* Sent 456.5 gb data

At my geographic service location (Singapore), this cost about $90 last month for bandwidth alone.

One of the reasons I initiated the (now stalled) PayFile project was in anticipation of this problem:

At some point if you want to actually download and validate the full block chain from scratch, you will have to start paying for it I'm sure.

In the meantime:
  1. Getting headers-first implemented and rolled out everywhere would reduce the amount of redundant downloading and hopefully reduce transmit traffic network-wide.
  2. Implementing chain pruning would allow people to control upload bandwidth consumption by reducing the amount of disk storage they allow.

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