FYI, javascript implementation of the Tor protocol on server side and inside browsers Not related directly to bitcoin-dev but might be of some use one day to anonymize bitcoin apps (light wallets for example) -------- Message transféré -------- Sujet : node-Tor is now open source in clear (and modular) Date : Thu, 24 Oct 2019 18:02:42 +0200 De : Aymeric Vitte Pour : Please see and This is a javascript implementation of the Tor protocol on server side (nodejs) and inside browsers, please note that it is not intended to add nodes into the Tor network, neither to implement the Tor Browser features, it is intended to build projects using the Tor protocol from the browser and/or servers (most likely P2P projects), the Onion Proxy and Onion Router functions are available directly inside the browser which establishes circuits with other nodes understanding the Tor protocol (so it's not a "dumb" proxy), but it can of course establish circuits with the Tor network nodes (see and act as a Tor node It is financed by NLnet via EU Horizon 2020 Next Generation Internet Privacy & Trust Enhancing Technologies, now open source under a MIT license and we made it modular, it is fast (extensively tested when video streaming was there, especially with bittorrent or ORDB concept) and the total unminified code ( is only 1 MB (so ~600 kB minified) which is quite small for what it does, this is not a browser extension/module but pure js Possible next steps are to implement elliptic crypto and connections via WebRTC Snowflake (peersm2 above uses WebSockets a bit the way flashproxy was working, ie implementing the ws interface on bridges side), as well as integrating it with "Discover and move your coins by yourself" ( for anonymous blockchain search and anonymous sending of transactions from the browser -- Move your coins by yourself (browser version): Bitcoin transactions made simple: Zcash wallets made simple: Bitcoin wallets made simple: Get the torrent dynamic blocklist: Check the 10 M passwords list: Anti-spies and private torrents, dynamic blocklist: Peersm : torrent-live: node-Tor : GitHub :