You might consider the dimension taken by the cooperative mining approach of AI Coin, an altcoin that will launch April 27. The coin is an embodiment of principles described in my whitepaper last May, "Bitcoin Cooperative Proof of Stake".

Currently we do not use staking, as network-wide algorithmic trustworthiness provides the security directly. Network operations, although highly automated with intelligent software agents, has a human-in-the-loop for oversight.

Our innovation enables immediate settlement of transactions. Peers in our network cooperate, taking turns creating new blocks. There is single version of the blockchain which is appended to by a single peer, and is replicated by the other peers. Our peers wrap Bitcoind instances, controlling transaction and new block routing to form a scalable super peer topology. Peers have self-signed X.509 certificates which encrypt messages and prevent impersonation. The tamper-evident technology that secures Bitcoin's blockchain and transactions is extended to secure the entire network. Inspired by an idea published by Nick Szabo, our peers maintain tamper-evident logs which are replayed, verified and signed by other peers. Aside from the whitepaper, more current technical information can be found on our forum - where I would be glad to answer questions and debate skeptics - instead of responding in this list off topic.

I would like thank those here and on IRC who last year encouraged me think outside the box.


CTO AI Coin, Inc.