Thanks for Peter Todd’s detailed report: I have the following response. >Since the reserve value is only a single, 32-byte value, we’re setting ourselves up for the same problem again7. Please note that unlimited space has been reserved after the witness commitment: block.vtx[0].vout[o].scriptPubKey.size() >= 38 Which means anything after 38 bytes has no consensus meaning. Any new consensus critical commitments/metadata could be put there. Anyway, there is no efficient way to add a new commitment with softfork. > the fact that we do this has a rather odd result: a transaction spending a witness output with an unknown version is valid even if the transaction doesn’t have any witnesses! I don’t see any reason to have such check. We simply leave unknown witness program as any-one-can-spend without looking at the witness, as described in BIP141. > Bizzarely segwit has an additonal pay-to-witness-pubkey-hashP2WPKH that lets you use a 160-bit (20 byte) commitment…… Since ~90% of current transactions are P2PKH, we expect many people will keep using this type of transaction in the future. P2WPKH gives the same level of security as P2PKH, and smaller scriptPubKey. >give users the option instead to choose to accept the less secure 160-bit commitment if their use-case doesn’t need the full 256-bit security level This is actually discussed on the mailing list. P2WSH with multi-sig is subject to birthday attack, and therefore 256-bit is used to provide 128-bit security. P2WPKH is used as single sig and therefore 160-bit is enough. >Secondly, if you are going to give a 160-bit commitment option, you don’t need the extra level of indirection in the P2SH case: just make the segwit redeemScript be: Something wrong here? In P2WPKH, the witness is >The only downside is the serialized witness script is constrained to 520 bytes max 520 is the original limit. BIP141 tries to mimic the existing behaviour as much as possible. Anyway, normally nothing in the current scripts should use a push with more than 75 bytes >we haven’t explicitly ensured that signatures for the new signature hash can’t be reused for the old signature hash How could that be? That’d be a hash collision.