Thanks for the reply Andrew. I’ve reviewed the relevant Core sources and I do not see any problem. We have also synced against a Core node locally and not seen the problem.

The reason I suspected it was Core is that it is very common and all of the User Agents are consistent (with an occasional exception for forked nodes). So there’s no easy way to determine what sort of nodes we are seeing. 

We tend to cycle through many more connections during sync than a Core node, so may just be seeing it more frequently, but I assume Core would log this behavior as well. Even so, seeing that wouldn’t help much. I’m as certain as I can be at this point that we are setting the flag and version correctly (and that we do not set bip37 filters).

This behavior started infrequently with 0.14.0 peers and has become more common over time. Just wondering at this point what fork would report as Core and be that common? We used to drop peers that did this (for protocol noncompliance), and I’m considering reinstating that behavior.


On Mar 9, 2018, at 16:33, Andrew Chow via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:

Looking through the code, I don't think that this behavior has changed. Are you sure that you are actually connected to Satoshi:0.15.0 nodes and not a node that has simply set their user-agent to that (i.e. not a real Satoshi:0.15.0 node)?

If what you are seeing is true, it is likely a bug and not an intentional change. In that case, can you provide specific details on how to reproduce?


On 03/09/2018 02:50 AM, Eric Voskuil via bitcoin-dev wrote:
/Satoshi:0.15.0/ and later nodes appear to be no longer honoring the
version.relay=false flag (BIP37). Could someone familiar with the change
please explain the rational?



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