On Tue, 2023-11-07 at 09:37 -0600, Bryan Bishop via bitcoin-dev wrote: Google Groups is another interesting option, I don't think I'm the only person on this list that is strongly opposed to using google for anything. They are too big and they have their hand in everything, and their eyes (and analytics) on everything. I remember when there were virtually no gmail email addresses that posted to this list. Suddenly in 2020 or 2021, we had an influx of gmail subscribers and posters. That didn't escape me then and it is not lost on me now. Email is great for public discussion for many reasons. The fact that everyone gets a copy of the data, there is no single central authority that can edit emails once they have been sent out. Anyone can archive email messages, they can generally store or publish the data anywhere they like. That is not the case with web forum content. I like the lightning anti-spam fee idea. That would encourage me to finally adopt lightning, and it would, I'm sure, produce some interesting results for the list. I don't think email should be out of the question. Does anyone besides kanzure@gmail.com think that sticking with email is out of the question? Let's do what's necessary to stick with email.