On 19 Sep 2017, at 11:09 AM, Luke Dashjr via bitcoin-dev <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

On Tuesday 19 September 2017 12:46:30 AM Mark Friedenbach via bitcoin-dev
After the main discussion session it was observed that tail-call semantics
could still be maintained if the alt stack is used for transferring
arguments to the policy script.

Isn't this a bug in the cleanstack rule?


Another thing that came up during the discussion was the idea of replacing all
the NOPs and otherwise-unallocated opcodes with a new OP_RETURNTRUE
implementation, in future versions of Script. This would immediately exit the
program (perhaps performing some semantic checks on the remainder of the
Script) with a successful outcome.

This is similar to CVE-2010-5141 in a sense, but since signatures are no
longer Scripts themselves, it shouldn't be exploitable.

The benefit of this is that it allows softforking in ANY new opcode, not only
the -VERIFY opcode variants we've been doing. That is, instead of merely
terminating the Script with a failure, the new opcode can also remove or push
stack items. This is because old nodes, upon encountering the undefined
opcode, will always succeed immediately, allowing the new opcode to do
literally anything from that point onward.

bitcoin-dev mailing list

I have implemented OP_RETURNTRUE in an earlier version of MAST (BIP114) but have given up the idea, for 2 reasons:

1. I’ve updated BIP114 to allow inclusion of scripts in witness, and require them to be signed. In this way users could add additional conditions for the validity of a signature. For example, with OP_CHECKBLOCKHASH, it is possible to make the transaction valid only in the specified chain. (More discussion in https://github.com/jl2012/bips/blob/vault/bip-0114.mediawiki#Additional_scripts_in_witness )

2. OP_RETURNTRUE does not work well with signature aggregation. Signature aggregation will collect (pubkey, message) pairs in a tx, combine them, and verify with one signature. However, consider the following case:


For old nodes, the script terminates at OP_RETURNTRUE, and it will not collect the (pubkey, message) pair.

If we use a softfork to transform OP_RETURNTRUE into OP_17 (pushing the number 17 to the stack), new nodes will collect the (pubkey, message) pair and try to aggregate with other pairs. This becomes a hardfork.

Technically, we could create ANY op code with an OP_NOP. For example, if we want OP_MUL, we could have OP_MULVERIFY, which verifies if the 3rd stack item is the product of the top 2 stack items. Therefore, OP_MULVERIFY OP_2DROP is functionally same as OP_MUL, which removes the top 2 items and returns the product. The problem is it takes more witness space.

If we don’t want this ugliness, we could use a new script version for every new op code we add. In the new BIP114 (see link above), I suggest to move the script version to the witness, which is cheaper.