Hi all. Just wanted to carry the discussion from the Forum over to the dev-list. We have quite a few bootstrapping mechanisms, starting with the overly complex (IMHO) IRC bootstrapping, which is often suspected as bot-activity. Then we have a few hardcoded nodes and some fallback nodes. I was wondering why we didn't adopt BitTorrent tracker bootstrapping until now? It's basically all it does. Given a hash (SHA1 hash of the genesis bloc would be nice ^^) it gives you a list of other nodes with the same hash. Given that there are quite a few open trackers (accepting and tracking any hash you throw at them) we could just decide to use 2-3 of those to bootstrap. The downside would be that they return bencoded data, which has to be interpreted first, but it's easier than implementing the IRC stuff, I think. Any comments? Regards, Chris