I've made no changes since the last time I've mentioned it here on the list (when the BIP procedures were being discussed). The last changes are: 01-10-2013 - Expanded the salt to be prefix + date + checksum and renamed 'master seed' to 'root key'. 24-07-2013 - Added user selectable KDF + parameters, encoded in the prefix. 22-07-2013 - Added 2 byte creation date field, as a result, the prefix is expanded to 3 bytes. The biggest difference between this proposal and BIP38 is that BIP38 allows a 3rd party to generate the encrypted private key + confirmation code from a passphrase code. Since this proposal is about encrypting a random value that's fed into HMAC-SHA512 and the presence of a partial hash of the root address, that's not possible. >> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=258678 > > Greetings. Any recent progress on this? > > Do we believe this proposal can replace BIP38? If not, what are the > limitations that would prevent it from doing so?