On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 9:53 AM, Chris Priest via bitcoin-dev <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

What problem does this try to solve, and what does it have to do with bitcoin?

I can't speak to MMRs (they look a bit redundant with the actual blockchain history to my eye) but circling back to utxo commitments, the benefits are that it enables actual proofs of non-fraud: You can prove the validity of a block based on just the previous block (and maybe some previous headers because of mining rewards) and can prove to a light node that a utxo hasn't been spent yet. 

A major factor in the way of getting utxo commitments in blocks is performance. The txo set is of course vastly larger and more unwieldy. If you make the utxo commitments trail by a small fixed number of blocks (between 2 and 5) their latency problems shouldn't be a big deal as long as the overall performance is good enough. My thesis is that with appropriate format and implementation tricks it's possible to get performance good enough to no longer be a gating factor to deployment. 

Disappointingly there hasn't been any feedback about my implementation, just discussion about merkle sets generally.