On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 6:28 AM, Alan Reiner wrote: > ** > *(1) *What is the status & plans for supporting "bitcoin:" URIs in the > Satoshi client? My understanding is that it currently creates URIs, but > does *not* register itself with the OS to handle such links. Is this > accurate? This seems like a very high-value feature, and I'd recommend > that we consider it a priority -- I can't think of any other upgrade that > can improve usability so dramatically on the desktop. > It is already implemented for Linux (Gnome) and Windows, but there is an issue with boost::ipc that crashed bitcoin at startup on windows, so it's temporarily disabled on Windows. > *(2) *I need to understand better what the intentions were behind > "label=" and "message=". The way I understand it is that Bitcoin-Qt uses > and stores only address-labels, and no other transactional info is stored > in the wallet. As such, the "message=" field would be displayed to the > user when a "bitcoin:" link is clicked, but that message wouldn't be saved > anywhere. > Label is a label for the destination address, message is a freeform message describing the transaction. I don't think the message is currently stored in the Satoshi client. That feature is somewhere on our way-too-long issue and todo list. But I understand that you want to add transaction meta-data fields such as contact information, bought items, item prices? Wladimir