On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 1:20 AM, Gregory Maxwell wrote: > Since much discussion didn't materialize I went and gave it a > technical once over, posting to the forum. At least I now understand where he got the idea of bitcoin devs being a bunch of paranoid, anti-authoritarian nutjobs :-) I've been on a lot of forums in my life but never encountered one with such selfish, unhelpful, trolling, complaining sods (well maybe apart from 15-year old gamers). Nick couldn't have got that idea from discussion on this mailing list or #bitcoin-dev. Please don't send anyone to that jungle. People shouldn't get the idea that that the forum is our development community, or even endorsed by the devs. As for the real developer community, I haven't noticed so much unfriendliness or closedness. But the core devs are with very few people (certainly compared to the number of users) and reviewing and testing takes time so pull requests, proposals and such can linger for a while. Which can indeed be frustrating. Wladimir