On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Luke-Jr <luke@dashjr.org> wrote:
On Thursday, December 05, 2013 1:37:10 PM Wladimir wrote:
I think this would stifle active BIP draft editing. We're already having a
hard time getting some developers to write BIPs for their proposals - I don't
think we should be putting up bigger hurdles.

How is github a hurdle?

It's easy enough to create a fork and submit back the changes as a pull request.

In the case of text documents, this can be completely done through the web interface.

If anything creating a github account is a smaller hurdle than having to pay to create a wiki account and wait for it to be activated.

Aside: my proposal is for the BIPs that are already accepted, and should not be edited without dicussion. If people want to put their drafts in the wiki that's a different story.
