As replied on the github issue:

Personally I still think it's better to have a clear standardized "protocol version", that implies what capabilities are supported, instead of a capability-based system that explicitly lists them.

Capability-based systems (just look at OpenGL) tend to become horrendously complex, as you have to take into account all possible combinations of possible interactions, and constantly check for support of specific features instead of just comparing a version number.

Sure, it can be necessary to distinguish between different types of nodes, but there is no need to make it this fine-grained.


On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 3:34 AM, Amir Taaki <> wrote:
Introspection/command discovery is nice, but I would prefer it to be immediately done in the first version exchange so no assumptions as to how a network is operating need to be made.

I like the idea of a flat list of commands. It might make sense to have "meta"-commands that alias to groups of commands. i.e "original" for the current core subset up to (and including) "pong". The aliases could exist in a text definition file which is held on github or

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Garzik <>
To: Bitcoin Development <>
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 2:13 AM
Subject: [Bitcoin-development] Proposed new P2P command and response: getcmds, cmdlist

Outside of major features advertised network-wide in nService bits,
P2P protocol lacks a good method of enumerating minor features or
extensions.  The version number increment is coarse-grained, and is
not self-documenting.  A simple extension which lists supported
commands is added, as demonstrated in this pull request:

Another option is for verack to return this information at login,
eliminating the need for a separate command/response.

Jeff Garzik
exMULTI, Inc.

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