Putting aside stupid arguments about who is older or who starting using the term SPV wallet first, let me try and make a better suggestion than what's in the BIP. How about the following:

A new flag is introduced to Core, --scriptchecks=[all,standardonly,none]. The default is all. When set to "standardonly", non-standard scripts are not checked but others are. This is similar to the behaviour during a soft fork. In "none" you have something a bit like SPV mode, but still calculating the UTXO set. This flag is simple and can be implemented in a few lines of code. Then an unused opcode is used for CLTV, so making it a hard fork. 

This has the following advantages:
Many people by now have accepted that hard forks are simpler, conceptually cleaner, and prioritise correctness of results over availability of results. I think these arguments are strong.

So let me try addressing the counter-arguments one more time:
  • Hard forks require everyone to upgrade and soft forks don't. I still feel this one has never actually been explained. There is no difference to the level of support required to trigger the change. With the suggestion above, if someone can't or won't upgrade their full node but can no longer verify the change, they can simply restart with -scriptchecks=standardonly and get the soft fork behaviour. Or they can upgrade and get their old security level back.

  • Hard forks are somehow bad or immoral or can lead to "schisms". This is just saying, if we hold a vote, the people who lose the vote might try starting a civil war and refuse to accept the change. That's not a reason to not hold votes.

    But at any rate, they can do that with soft forks too: just decide that any output that contains OP_CLTV doesn't make it into the UTXO set. Eventually coins that trace back to such an output will become unusable in the section of the economy that decided to pick a fight.