== Background OP_PRANDOM is a new op code for Bitcoin that pushes a pseudo-random number to the top of the stack based on the next N block hashes. The source of the pseudo-random number is defined as the XOR of the next N block hashes after confirmation of a transaction containing the OP_PRANDOM encumbered output. When a transaction containing the op code is redeemed, the transaction receives a pseudo-random number based on the next N block hashes after confirmation of the redeeming input. This means that transactions are also effectively locked until at least N new blocks have been found. == Rational Making deterministic, verifiable, and trustless pseudo-random numbers available for use in the Script language makes it possible to support a number of new smart contracts. OP_PRANDOM would allow for the simplistic creation of purely decentralized lotteries without the need for complicated multi-party computation protocols. Gambling is also another possibility as contracts can be written based on hashed commitments, with the winner chosen if a given commitment is closest to the pseudo-random number. OP_PRANDOM could also be used for cryptographically secure virtual asset management such as rewards in video games and in other applications. == Security Pay-to-script-hash can be used to protect the details of contracts that use OP_PRANDOM from the prying eyes of miners. However, since there is also a non-zero risk that a participant in a contract may attempt to bribe a miner the inclusion of multiple block hashes as a source of randomness is a must. Every miner would effectively need to be bribed to ensure control over the results of the random numbers, which is already very unlikely. The risk approaches zero as N goes up. There is however another issue: since the random numbers are based on a changing blockchain, its problematic to use the next immediate block hashes before the state is “final.” A safe default for accepting the blockchain state as final would need to be agreed upon beforehand, otherwise you could have multiple random outputs becoming valid simultaneously on different forks. A simple solution is not to reveal any commitments before the chain height surpasses a certain point but this might not be an issue since only one version will eventually make it into the final chain anyway -- though it is something to think about. == Outro I'm not sure how secure this is or whether its a good idea so posting it here for feedback Thoughts?