I've been tossing around an idea in my head that involves time-locked encryption [0] and I wondered what the devs here think about it. In a nutshell: the timechain is a serial chain of time-lock encrypted GPG keys at N minute intervals (meaning that it requires N minutes to decrypt a single link / key in the chain and each link must be fully decrypted before decryption can start on the next link.) For those not aware of how time-lock encryption works it goes something like this:

1. Choose some random, unique text - this is the initialisation vector or IV.

2. Hash that text -> output.

3. Hash the output -> output.

4. Hash the output -> output.

5. ...

6. Process is repeated for N minutes.

7. Result is then used to generate encryption keys and the public key can be used to time-lock encrypt an arbitrary number of plaintexts.

8. All intermediary results are discarded -- only the pub key is kept and giving out the IV forces an individual to have to repeat the same amount of work used to generate the encryption key.

What's interesting about this is that the keys can be generated in parallel and then "stitched" together to form a single serial chain of keys. So potentially, if a person had access to a GPU cluster then they could generate a years worth of work in only 5 minutes. Now imagine if one were to stitch these keys together into a chain of keys at five minute intervals (a structure I refer to as the "timechain"): you could use this structure to encrypt ECDSA keys which could then be used in multi-signature contract schemes as a 100% decentralized, trustless way to execute refunds in contract protocols.

Unexpected benefit: time-lock encryption can be used to build unbreakable DACs.

Peter Todd has already done work on using Bitcoin to incentivize the decryption process of time-lock encryption [1] but what he may not be aware of is how important this process is for the construction of DACs.

Imagine a true peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange [2] that time-lock encrypts a chain of ECDSA keys using the timechain and then sets up contracts to pay a small portion of their fees "into" the ECDSA keys. Essentially the exchange has created a DAC that pays its participants to decrypt itself. This is the incentive for the decryption. The reason for the incentive is that another chain of keys can be generate at 5 minute intervals which can be used in contract protocols in place of nTimeLocked refund transactions (which are vulnerable to transaction malleability.)

Sample contract using the timechain:

3 of 4 multi-sig: Owner, Owner, Recipient, Timelock

Pay N coins to recipient sequentially (micropayment channel) before [time / date], otherwise fall back on timelock decrypted refund key to give full leverage back to owner. This is how smart contracts would work using the timechain for refunds (instead of nTimeLock TXs.)

Using the DAC, it might also be possible to force participants to reveal their solutions to the decryption of the timechain (otherwise the first person who starts on the chain would receive all the fees which isn't very fair.) One way to do this would be to use the public key for the fee ECDSA key as the IV used to generate the next key on the chain. To spend the fees would therefore require revealing the public key if the fees were paid to a pay-to-pub-key-hash transaction.

A further precaution would be to generate the pay to fee transaction in such a way that the amount needs to be redeemed otherwise another transaction would burn the coins. (I haven't worked out the full details for this but similar schemes have been used successfully, for example in BitHalo [3]. The Lightning Network [4] offers another potential solution.) Perhaps a custom blockchain or sidechain could also be used to award coins for successful (and timely solutions) but this is a subject for future work.

In conclusion: I have described a simple way to solve the TX malleability problem in smart contract protocols without requiring a fork or relying on a third-party escrow scheme to manage coins. My solution doesn't require any trust beyond the initial need for the timechain to be generated in a secure cluster and the solution remains secure so long as participants stick to using future keys in the chain regardless of how far along decryption is.

What do you think of the idea so far?

Obviously the biggest flaw here is that the integrity of a timechain can't be known before-hand but if a timechain were to be generated securely by a reputable party, the biggest benefit of using it is that it basically runs itself: it does not require any third-party to manage its functionality and the entity which originally generated it can completely disappear without interrupting service. This could, for instance - allow companies to create entirely secure and reliable systems that couldn't be hacked as the behaviour of a timechain is deterministic. I think this is a huge improvement over existing systems which require third-parties to be perpetually trusted with managing key-pairs on their web servers.

Anyway, that's the basic idea. Let me know what you think.


[0] http://www.gwern.net/Self-decrypting%20files

[1] https://www.mail-archive.com/bitcoin-development@lists.sourceforge.net/msg05547.html

[2] http://www.uptrenda.com/uptrenda.pdf

[3] https://bithalo.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/whitepaper_twosided.pdf

[4] https://lightning.network/lightning-network-paper-DRAFT-0.5.pdf