Also there may need to be weighting depending on how long the coins have been locked for, to stop voting at the last minute having an undue influence. On 8 August 2015 at 07:27, Hector Chu wrote: > Has there ever been any discussion of locking coins till a certain date > for casting votes on an issue? > > Say that the date for counting votes is 3 months from now. Every one who > wants to cast a vote must lock coins until the vote closes (using CLTV). To > increase the weight of your vote, lock more coins. Write your choice in the > scriptPubKey or an OP_RETURN data output. > > On the date the vote closes the nodes tally up the coin values for the > various vote options, and the choice with the highest total is the winner. > > Not saying this could be used to solve the block size issue necessarily, > but we could have choices like: > 1) Keep block size the same > 2) Reduce block size by 10%. > 3) Increase block size by 10%. > > The vote could be a rolling one. When the present vote is decided the vote > for the next 3 months starts. >