> Credit where credit is due: after writing the bulk of this article I found out > that Monero developer [smooth_xmr](https://www.reddit.com/user/smooth_xmr/ ) > also observed that tail emission results in a stable coin supply > [a few years ago]( https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/4z0azk/maam_28_monero_ask_anything_monday/d6sixyi/ ). > There's probably others too: it's a pretty obvious result. Fwiw, Joe Lubin, April 2014: "The expected rate of annual loss and destruction of ETH will balance the rate of issuance. Under this dynamic, a quasi-steady state is reached and the amount of extant ETH no longer grows." https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/04/10/the-issuance-model-in-ethereum/ As you say, probably an observation various people have made. (Ethereum has had some updates to its issuance model since 2014, in particular EIP-1559 and the block reward reduction coming with PoS. But they've had a fixed rather than halving block subsidy since launch so the question of whether it implied infinite supply often came up.) On Sat, Jul 9, 2022, 7:47 AM Peter Todd via bitcoin-dev < bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote: > New blog post: > > https://petertodd.org/2022/surprisingly-tail-emission-is-not-inflationary > > tl;dr: Due to lost coins, a tail emission/fixed reward actually results in > a > stable money supply. Not an (monetarily) inflationary supply. > > ...and for the purposes of reply/discussion, attached is the article > itself in > markdown format: > > --- > layout: post > title: "Surprisingly, Tail Emission Is Not Inflationary" > date: 2022-07-09 > tags: > - bitcoin > - monero > --- > > At present, all notable proof-of-work currencies reward miners with both a > block > reward, and transaction fees. With most currencies (including Bitcoin) > phasing > out block rewards over time. However in no currency have transaction fees > consistently been more than 5% to 10% of the total mining > reward[^fee-in-reward], with the exception of Ethereum, from June 2020 to > Aug 2021. > To date no proof-of-work currency has ever operated solely on transaction > fees[^pow-tweet], and academic analysis has found that in this condition > block > generation is unstable.[^instability-without-block-reward] To paraphrase > Andrew > Poelstra, it's a scary phase change that no other coin has gone > through.[^apoelstra-quote] > > [^pow-tweet]: [I asked on Twitter]( > https://twitter.com/peterktodd/status/1543231264597090304) and no-one > replied with counter-examples. > > [^fee-in-reward]: [Average Fee Percentage in Total Block Reward]( > https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/fee_to_reward-btc-eth-bch-ltc-doge-xmr-bsv-dash-zec.html#alltime > ) > > [^instability-without-block-reward]: [On the Instability of Bitcoin > Without the Block Reward]( > https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~arvindn/publications/mining_CCS.pdf) > > [^apoelstra-quote]: [From a panel at TABConf 2021]( > https://twitter.com/peterktodd/status/1457066946898317316) > > Monero has chosen to implement what they call [tail > emission]( > https://www.getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/tail-emission.html): > a fixed reward per block that continues indefinitely. Dogecoin also has a > fixed > reward, which they widely - and incorrectly - refer to as an "abundant" > supply[^dogecoin-abundant]. > > [^dogecoin-abundant]: Googling "dogecoin abundant" returns dozens of hits. > > This article will show that a fixed block reward does **not** lead to an > abundant supply. In fact, due to the inevitability of lost coins, a fixed > reward converges to a **stable** monetary supply that is neither > inflationary > nor deflationary, with the total supply proportional to rate of tail > emission > and probability of coin loss. > > Credit where credit is due: after writing the bulk of this article I found > out > that Monero developer [smooth_xmr](https://www.reddit.com/user/smooth_xmr/ > ) > also observed that tail emission results in a stable coin supply > [a few years ago]( > https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/4z0azk/maam_28_monero_ask_anything_monday/d6sixyi/ > ). > There's probably others too: it's a pretty obvious result. > > >
> # Contents > {:.no_toc} > 0. TOC > {:toc} >
> > ## Modeling the Fixed-Reward Monetary Supply > > Since the number of blocks is large, we can model the monetary supply as a > continuous function $$N(t)$$, where $$t$$ is a given moment in time. If the > block reward is fixed we can model the reward as a slope $$k$$ added to an > initial supply $$N_0$$: > > $$ > N(t) = N_0 + kt > $$ > > Of course, this isn't realistic as coins are constantly being lost due to > deaths, forgotten passphrases, boating accidents, etc. These losses are > independent: I'm not any more or less likely to forget my passphrase > because > you recently lost your coins in a boating accident — an accident I probably > don't even know happened. Since the number of individual coins (and their > owners) is large — as with the number of blocks — we can model this loss as > though it happens continuously. > > Since coins can only be lost once, the *rate* of coin loss at time $$t$$ is > proportional to the total supply *at that moment* in time. So let's look > at the > *first derivative* of our fixed-reward coin supply: > > $$ > \frac{dN(t)}{dt} = k > $$ > > ...and subtract from it the lost coins, using $$\lambda$$ as our [coin loss > constant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_decay): > > $$ > \frac{dN(t)}{dt} = k - \lambda N(t) > $$ > > That's a first-order differential equation, which can be easily solved with > separation of variables to get: > > $$ > N(t) = \frac{k}{\lambda} - Ce^{-\lambda t} > $$ > > To remove the integration constant $$C$$, let's look at $$t = 0$$, where > the > coin supply is $$N_0$$: > > $$ > \begin{align} > N_0 &= \frac{k}{\lambda} - Ce^{-\lambda 0} = \frac{k}{\lambda} - C \\ > C &= \frac{k}{\lambda} - N_0 > \end{align} > $$ > > Thus: > > $$ > \begin{align} > N(t) &= \frac{k}{\lambda} - \left(\frac{k}{\lambda} - N_0 > \right)e^{-\lambda t} \\ > &= \frac{k}{\lambda} + \left(N_0 - \frac{k}{\lambda} > \right)e^{-\lambda t} > \end{align} > $$ > > > ## Long Term Coin Supply > > It's easy to see that in the long run, the second half of the coin supply > equation goes to zero because $$\lim_{t \to \infty} e^{-\lambda t} = 0$$: > > $$ > \begin{align} > \lim_{t \to \infty} N(t) &= \lim_{t \to \infty} \left[ > \frac{k}{\lambda} + \left(N_0 - \frac{k}{\lambda} \right)e^{-\lambda t} > \right ] = \frac{k}{\lambda} \\ > N(\infty) &= \frac{k}{\lambda} > \end{align} > $$ > > An intuitive explanation for this result is that in the long run, the > initial > supply $$N_0$$ doesn't matter, because approximately all of those coins > will > eventually be lost. Thus in the long run, the coin supply will converge > towards > $$\frac{k}{\lambda}$$, the point where coins are created just as fast as > they > are lost. > > > ## Short Term Dynamics and Economic Considerations > > Of course, the intuitive explanation for why supply converges to > $$\frac{k}{\lambda}$$, also tells us that supply must converge fairly > slowly: > if 1% of something is lost per year, after 100 years 37% of the initial > supply > remains. It's not clear what the rate of lost coins actually is in a > mature, > valuable, coin. But 1%/year is likely to be a good guess — quite possibly > less. > > In the case of Monero, they've introduced tail emission at a point where it > represents a 0.9% apparent monetary inflation rate[^p2pool-tail]. Since > the number of > previously lost coins, and the current rate of coin loss, is > unknown[^unknowable] it's not possible to know exactly what the true > monetary > inflation rate is right now. But regardless, the rate will only converge > towards zero going forward. > > [^unknowable]: Being a privacy coin with [shielded amounts]( > https://localmonero.co/blocks/richlist), it's not even possible to get an > estimate of the total amount of XMR in active circulation. > > [^p2pool-tail]: P2Pool operates [a page with real-time date figures]( > https://p2pool.io/tail.html). > > If an existing coin decides to implement tail emission as a means to fund > security, choosing an appropriate emission rate is simple: decide on the > maximum amount of inflation you are willing to have in the worst case, and > set > the tail emission accordingly. In reality monetary inflation will be even > lower > on day zero due to lost coins, and in the long run, it will converge > towards > zero. > > The fact is, economic volatility dwarfs the effect of small amounts of > inflation. Even a 0.5% inflation rate over 50 years only leads to a 22% > drop. > Meanwhile at the time of writing, Bitcoin has dropped 36% in the past > year, and > gained 993% over the past 5 years. While this discussion is a nice excuse > to > use some mildly interesting math, in the end it's totally pedantic. > > ## Could Bitcoin Add Tail Emission? > > ...and why could Monero? > > Adding tail emission to Bitcoin would be a hard fork: a incompatible rule > change that existing Bitcoin nodes would reject as invalid. While Monero > was > able to get sufficiently broad consensus in the community to implement tail > emission, it's unclear at best if it would ever be possible to achieve > that for > the much larger[^btc-vs-xmr-market-cap] Bitcoin. Additionally, Monero has a > culture of frequent hard forks that simply does not exist in Bitcoin. > > [^btc-vs-xmr-market-cap]: [As of writing]( > https://web.archive.org/web/20220708143920/https://www.coingecko.com/), > the apparent market cap of Bitcoin is $409 billion, almost 200x larger than > Monero's $2.3 billion. > > Ultimately, as long as a substantial fraction of the Bitcoin community > continue > to run full nodes, the only way tail emission could ever be added to > Bitcoin is > by convincing that same community that it is a good idea. > > > ## Footnotes > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org > https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/bitcoin-dev >