Maybe there's some hole in Jorge's logic and scrapping blockmaxsize has quadratic hashing risks, and maybe James' 10KB is too ambitious; but even if so, a simple 1MB tx size limit would clearly do the trick.  The broader point is that quadratic hashing is not a compelling reason to keep blockmaxsize post-HF: does someone have a better one?

On May 30, 2017 9:46 PM, "Jean-Paul Kogelman via bitcoin-dev" <> wrote:
That would invalidate any pre-signed transactions that are currently out there. You can't just change the rules out from under people.

On May 30, 2017, at 4:50 PM, James MacWhyte via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:

 The 1MB classic block size prevents quadratic hashing
problems from being any worse than they are today.

Add a transaction-size limit of, say, 10kb and the quadratic hashing problem is a non-issue. Donezo.
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