That's a simple fallacy, historically governments even hegemons, fail, in fact it would be odd to assert that a government will not fail, therefore ascribing godlike and limitless powers to a government is again the view of either a shill or someone untutored in history. On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 5:10 PM, NxtChg wrote: > > >Anyone who doesn't consider governments the proper threat model is either > a shill or an idiot. > > You meant to say "threat". This is what threat model is: > > > Nobody here discounts governments as a threat. > > As to the "proper threat model", you can't construct one since your > attacker is essentially unbounded. > > For example, any large government could easily obtain 51% of hash power > and then only accept transactions from "certified services". > > -- Steven Pine (510) 517-7075