I just released CERISE (website & github ) a project with the following artifacts : - A mocked server implementation to start developing clients : https://github.com/straumat/cerise. - A live & documented API to understand and directly calls the methods : http://api.cerise.tech/docs. - Specifications of the four methods : Enumerating supported currency-pair tokens , Currency-pair information , Current exchange rate & Historical exchange rates . - 16 client librairies for various langages (Java, PHP, c++, Rusty, Ruby….) : http://www.cerise.tech/#clients. - and i’m working on a template project to allow developers to quickly build a BIP171 compliant server without having to worrying about parameters validation, security, rest mechanics… will be done in september. -- *Stéphane Traumat* https://about.me/straumat