On Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 9:18 PM Antoine Riard via bitcoin-dev <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
Hi Buck,

I would vote against Slack. IRC is probably the best but maybe too high a barrier to entry? Publishing logs at least would counter concerns of it being exclusive. Maybe discord as an alternative.

I would say I really like IRC too. The strong text-based format, the lack of avatar emoji, the low-bar to participate pseudonymously, the leveling field for non-native speakers contrary to audio and the easiness to grab the mics, all features valuable for such a process I think.

If IRC is still considered a technical high-bar for a standard communication organ by many community stakeholders, discord is an alternative.

I would rule out Discord, since it requires phone numbers.  It doesn't require them for every user, but it's based on some risk measurement.  The phone flow is probably more likely to be triggered by VPN / Tor.