Please see BIP322 On Wed, Jul 20, 2022, 5:46 PM Peter (Coinkite Inc) via bitcoin-dev <> wrote: > Hi Ali. > > > This BIP does not replace, supersede, or obsolete BIPs 173 or 322. My > proposal is simply going to standardize the practice of placing the segwit > address into the address field, and does not require alterations to the > message signing format like those BIPs. > > COLDCARD makes signatures exacly like that, when told to sign with a > segwit address: > > % ckcc msg -s Hello > Hello > bc1qzeacswvlulg0jngad9gmtkvdp9lwum42wwzdu5 > > HxuuWQwjw0417fLV9L0kWbt7w9XOIWKhHMhjXhyXTczcSozGTXM4knqdISiYbbmqSRXqI5mNTWH9qkDoqZTpnPc= > > Unfortunately, I do not know of any "verifiers" that will accept the above > signature, but there is no alternative since the various BIP-322 proposals > never gained wide acceptance. > > Bitcoin Core does not support verifying that message, even though the UX > makes it look possible. In effect segwit features never got implemented to > that depth in Core. It's sad because the community is not maintaining core > (Core?) features to the same depth as Satoshi did when he was active in the > project. > > > PS. I am pretty sure that there is a BIP for the original signing method > - what is its number? > > My understanding that the original approach was directly from Satoshi > himself when the original client was written. It has never been codified in > a BIP as far as I know. > > A related issue the the "ascii armor" that is sometimes used. It's a > little like RFC2440 but > newline-treatment isn't defined well enough for good interoperability, in > my personal experience. > > So in summary... yes a "defacto" BIP is needed and useful to do, in my > opinion. Then Core should be updated to support it as well. > > --- > @DocHEX || Coinkite || PGP: A3A31BAD 5A2A5B10 > > > On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 04:10:09AM +0000, Ali Sherief wrote: > > [my third attempt at getting this message through. Surprisingly, I > managed to send this at the second try with the correct SMTP, From, To and > all, but maybe it was caught in GreyListing (protonmail).] > > > > I was thinking about creating a BIP to address the lack of > standardization for Segwit message signatures, but I want some advice > before proceeding. > > > > The current state of affairs is that the wallets that do support signing > and verifying a bitcoin message can only sign legacy addresses. It is > technically possible to sign and verify segwit addresses, since ECDSA only > depends on the public key (hence why you need a private key to sign > messages). > > > > However, because there is no generally-accepted standard for signing > segwit messages, the wallets that do support this feature simply insert the > segwit address into the address field. Verification also only works using > the procedure on that specific wallet software, if only because the > conventional tools for verifying messages attempt to reconstruct a legacy > address only. > > > > This BIP is not going to enforce anything, it's just going to set > guidelines for writing a message signing and verification procedure. > > > > This BIP does not replace, supersede, or obsolete BIPs 173 or 322. My > proposal is simply going to standardize the practice of placing the segwit > address into the address field, and does not require alterations to the > message signing format like those BIPs. > > > > In summary, in the verification part, the following address hashing > algorithms will be tried in sequence in an attempt to reconstruct the > address in the signed message: > > - P2PKH (legacy address) > > - P2WPKH-P2SH (nested segwit) > > - P2WPKH with version from 0 to MAX_WITNESS_VERSION (covers native > segwit with version 0 as well as future native segwit address types such as > Taproot) - where MAX_WITNESS_VERSION is the maximum supported witness > version by the bech32 encoding. > > > > The verification procedure stops if any of these hashes yield the > correct address, and fails if all of the above methods fail to reproduce > the address in the signed message. > > > > In the signing procedure, the only modification is the insertion of the > segwit address in place of the legacy address in the signed message. > > > > If this BIP is approved, it does not require any changes to existing > signed messages, and the original sign/verify algorithms will continue to > interoperate with this improved sign/verify algorithm, without any action > necessary from the developers. > > > > So as you can see, this is the entire framework of the BIP I plan to > draft. There is no need for any auxilliary feature additions into this BIP. > I just want to hear the mailing list's advice about how I should draft such > a BIP. > > > > - Ali > > > > PS. I am pretty sure that there is a BIP for the original signing method > - what is its number? > > > > > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > > >