You guessed wrong. Multiple data centres are as much about redundancy and resiliency, and latency. As for the cost, data centre space, business grade communication lines, and staff are orders of magnitude more expensive than the physical hardware they support. I'd like to call you out on your continuing reduction to absurdity and slippery slope arguments. Just because we can't handle 4GB blocks today, doesn't mean we shouldn't aim in that direction. Doesn't mean we shouldn't be taking our first second and third baby steps in that direction. If the obsession with every personal computer being able to run a fill node continues then bitcoin will be consigned to the dustbin of history, a footnote to the story of the global crypto currency that eventually took over the world. Thanks Rodney Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2017 12:14:42 -0400 From: David Vorick To: Jared Lee Richardson Cc: Bitcoin Dev Subject: Re: [bitcoin-dev] Hard fork proposal from last week's meeting Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Then explain why PayPal has multiple datacenters. And why Visa has multiple datacenters. And why the banking systems have multiple datacenters each. I'm guessing it's because you need that much juice to run a global payment system at the transaction volumes that they run at. Unless you have professional experience working directly with transaction processors handling tens of millions of financial transactions per day, I think we can fully discount your assessment that it would be a rounding error in the budget of a major exchange or Bitcoin processor to handle that much load. And even if it was, it wouldn't matter because it's extremely important to Bitcoin's security that it's everyday users are able to and are actively running full nodes. I'm not going to take the time to refute everything you've been saying but I will say that most of your comments have demonstrated a similar level of ignorance as the one above. This whole thread has been absurdly low quality.