On Oct 1, 2015 12:14 AM, "Jorge Timón" <jtimon@jtimon.cc> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 11:06 PM, Mike Hearn <hearn@vinumeris.com> wrote:
> >> Exactly, all those "mini divergences" eventually disappear
> >
> > A miner that has accepted a newly invalid transaction into its memory pool
> > and is trying to mine it, will keep producing invalid blocks forever until
> > the owner shuts it down and upgrades. This was happening for weeks after
> > P2SH triggered.
> >
> > For instance, any miner that has modified/bypassed IsStandard() can do this,
> > or any miner that accepts direct transaction submission, or any miner that
> > runs an old node from before OP_NOPs were made non-standard.
> That is correct. But doesn't seem to contradict anything I said.

Actually, no, sorry, the second paragraph is not correct as explained by Greg Maxwell.