On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 4:27 PM, Kalle Rosenbaum <kalle@rosenbaum.se> wrote:
* In the specification, you refer to "t_start". I guess you mean "time_start"?

Thanks, I'll fix.
* Miners can, especially when close to a block doubling or shortly
after activation, to some extent manipulate max block size by
manipulating the time stamp in the block header within valid limits.
According to the pseudo code in the specification, the first and a
handful of subsequent blocks after activation could actually have
negative max block sizes due to this (depending on how you define the
% operator of the pseudo code). I haven't checked the reference
implementation, but I do think that the specification section should
explicitly handle this.

Excellent point. That could only happen if activation happened on 11 Jan 2016; instead of complicating the code and spec with another condition, I think it would be better to specify that the activation date is the later of the miner supermajority and 11 Jan, with the first big block two weeks later.

Gavin Andresen