On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Justus Ranvier <justusranvier@gmail.com> wrote:

You and Gavin could do a lot better by working on a Bitcoin social
contract - a promise of what features will *never* be added (or taken
away) from Bitcoin, because despite what you say it's not acceptable
to propose anything at all.

Now I'm really confused.

Why would Mike or I have the authority to write a "social contract" to promise anything about future-Bitcoin?

I thought the only "social contract" was the decentralized one we have already-- if you don't like something about the code, then don't download and run it. Or fork it if you're able.

As the person who started this mailing list, I DO feel like I have the authority to enforce a social contract of "no trolling or flaming or name-calling" here. I'd very much like to delegate that authority, though; ideally to some software algorithm that automatically censors topics or people who don't contribute to a productive discussion.

PS: speaking of productive discussion... 
... please change the Subject line when the topic wanders.

Gavin Andresen