I've been working on a patch to make transaction inputs (scriptSigs) with extra data non-standard, as part of a general attitude of "try to anticipate possible problems before they turn into real problems."

Today, any node on the network that is relaying unconfirmed transactions can add bytes to the transaction's scriptSig's before passing it on, and that modified version of the transaction will get relayed and might possibly get mined.

For example, take a standard scriptSig that is:   OP_PUSHDATA <signature> OP_PUSHDATA <public key>
... and change it to:   OP_PUSHDATA <Hi Mom!> OP_PUSHDATA <signature> OP_PUSHDATA <public key>
... and the modified transaction will pass all of the IsStandard(), IsValid(), and OP_CHECKSIG checks.

That is... unexpected, especially since it changes the transaction id.  You might transmit a transaction with ID 123 but find out it has been mined as transaction ID 456.  Satoshi's code doesn't care (it just looks like an attempted double-spend of the coins), but I wouldn't be surprised if it caused problems for other implementations or other transaction-handling software.

My patch will make transactions with extra stuff in the scriptSig non-standard, so they won't get relayed or mined by new nodes. Alternative implementations will still have to deal with all types of double-spends, of course, and there are other ways of producing two transactions that are identical except for their scriptSigs  (you can generate an arbitrary number of valid signatures for a transaction if you have the private keys, for example) so this isn't a panacea for poorly-implemented bitcoin transaction handling software. But it does remove some "wiggle room," which is generally a good idea for improving security.

I'm still thinking about how much further to go with this:

+ I think requiring that the <signature> and <public key> be DER-encoded for the transaction to be IsStandard() is a good idea.  DER encoding defines a canonical way of representing data; Satoshi's code relies on OpenSSL to decode signatures and public keys, and OpenSSL accepts any, more general, BER encoding.

+ I'm tempted to require that the "filler item" to workaround the OP_CHECKMULTISIG pops-one-too-many-items-off-the-stack bug be exactly OP_0.

Discussion welcome; I should be making a pull request for my patch this afternoon.

Gavin Andresen