On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Adam Back <adam@cypherspace.org> wrote:
This is probably going to sound impolite, but I think it's pertinent.

Gavin, on dwelling on the the fact that you appear to not understand
the basics of the lightning network, I am a little alarmed about this

If I don't see how switching from using the thousands of fully-validating bitcoin nodes with (tens? hundreds?) of Lightning Network hubs is better in terms of decentralization (or security, in terms of Sybil/DoS attacks), then I doubt other people do, either. You need to do a better job of explaining it.

But even if you could convince me that it WAS better from a security/decentralization point of view:

a) Lightning Network is nothing but a whitepaper right now. We are a long way from a practical implementation supported by even one wallet.

b) The Lightning Network paper itself says bigger blocks will be needed even if (especially if!) Lightning is wildly successful.