Hello everyone, The schnorr/taproot/tapscript BIPs are ready for review at this point, and we want to get as much in-depth review from as broad a range of people as we can before we go further on implementation/deployment. Reviewing the BIPs is hard in two ways: not many people are familiar with reviewing BIPs in the first place, and there are a lot of concepts involved in the three BIPs for people to get their heads around. This is a proposal for a structured review period. The idea is that participants will be given some guidance/structure for going through the BIPs, and at the end should be able to either describe issues with the BIP drafts that warrant changes, or be confident that they’ve examined the proposals thoroughly enough to give an “ACK” that the drafts should be formalised and move forwards into implementation/deployment phases. Benefits of participating: * Deeply understand schnorr and taproot * Be a stakeholder in Bitcoin consensus development * Support/safeguard decentralisation of Bitcoin protocol development * Have fun! If you are interested in participating, please sign up here . Special thanks to AJ Towns for doing most of the heavy lifting to get this going! Steve