Hear hear, a true work of genius. Who's looking for Satoshi? I think we've found him! On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 8:15 AM Michael Folkson via bitcoin-dev < bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote: > There have been a vast number of proposals for soft fork activation in > recent months and it is important that all these important ideas don’t go > to waste. Hence I propose a new standard for soft fork activation > incorporating all the ideas into one standard. I appreciate this standard > has come too late for Taproot activation but it should be ready for any > future soft forks. It is a multi phase, multi year standard. No soft fork > can activate unless and until it has successfully passed through all of the > different 14 phases. This will demonstrate Bitcoin’s ultimate conservatism. > > Phase 1) Let’s See What Happens - BIP 8 (false, 0.25 years). The shortest > phase just to whet appetites. > > Phase 2) Start now, improve later - BIP 8(false, 1 year) A confusing name, > it starts but it doesn't improve later > > Phase 3) BIP 9 equivalent - BIP 8(false, 1 year) > > Phase 4) Gently discourage apathy - BIP 8(true, 1 year) Forced signaling > at the end of this phase but obviously there are still many phases before > the soft fork can actually activate. > > Phase 5) BIP 91 (1 year). As a nod to our SegWit history we have a BIP 91 > activation phase. > > Phase 6) BIP 148 (1 year). Some people disagree that BIP 91 activated > SegWit so we do a BIP 148 activation phase to keep those people happy. > Again forced signaling doesn’t actually mean activation. There are still > many more phases to pass through. > > Phase 7) Speedy Trial (using block height, 0.5 years) on mainnet > > Phase 8) Speedy Trial (using MTP, 0.5 years) on mainnet > > Phase 9) Speedy Trial on the default signet (0.5 years) > > Phase 10) Speedy Trial on a combination of three different custom signets > in parallel (0.5 years) > > Phase 11) Speedy Trial on testnet and a custom signet in parallel (0.5 > years) > > Phase 12) Modern Soft Fork Activation (3.5 years) This is the longest > phase of the soft fork activation standard. It is itself multi phase and > multi year so this can be considered a nested activation phase within this > standard. > > Phase 13) UASF BIP 8 (LOT=true, 1 year). Forced miner signaling at the end > of this phase but ultimately the soft fork doesn’t yet activate as there is > one final additional phase the activation must pass through. This gives > Samson the opportunity to sell some hats. We are close now. The natives are > getting restless. > > Phase 14) Second flag day (1 year) We don’t want those pesky users > actually activating a soft fork on their own so an additional flag day is > added just so we can tell users that we prevented a chain split. > > Assuming a soft fork activation has successfully passed through all these > 14 phases it should activate. It will take a minimum of 13 years. However, > if it fails during any one of these phases it has to start from Phase 1 > again. We should take Bitcoin’s conservatism very seriously. If a soft fork > activation can’t pass successfully through all these phases it shouldn’t > activate. Ultimately we don’t really mind what is in the soft fork (any > idiot can design consensus changes and write secure bug free C++ code) that > is very much secondary in importance to *how* the soft fork is activated. > The activation design absolutely must be conservative. > > I expect this rigorous standard for soft fork activation will get a BIP > number. If you are going to propose a future soft fork I recommend you plan > for activation in approximately 13 years from the point the soft fork code > is merged into Core. > > I am happy to settle the soft fork activation question once and for all > for the community. I expect in time my contribution will be recognized in > the annals of history with Satoshi Nakamoto and Hal Finney. > > Addendum: Although all future soft forks will ultimately use this > standard, this standard is copyrighted. Every time it is used royalties > must be paid into this quantum secure Bitcoin vanity address > 1quantumsecureaddress > > > -- > Michael Folkson > Email: michaelfolkson@gmail.com > Keybase: michaelfolkson > PGP: 43ED C999 9F85 1D40 EAF4 9835 92D6 0159 214C FEE3 > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org > https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/bitcoin-dev >