For clarity purposes.
  1. Our research is based on monitoring main net transactions and network activity - as too is our risk engine. We do not engage in specific hashing pool assessments or research.
  2. It is not easily possible or comfortable to engage with our clients to offer up their client names and applications - the competition is fierce and like other industries it is not an acceptable approach to ask.
  3. The information offered by Coinpaid and posted on this list, provides root addresses which using tools like Chainanlysis, or similar service providers can confirm these addresses are associated with Coinspaid. This can validate a significant amount of our traffic.
  4. Based on the information provided it will be very possible to reach out to Max at Coinpaid - and will be able to confirm GAP600 use with Coinspaid. This is in addition to me posting an email from Max back in Dec 2022 to this list confirming all of this information.
  5.  It is more than likely that Changelly has not implemented our service across all irts offerings, a large section of their business is servicing partners.

Daniel Lipshitz
Phone: +44 113 4900 117
Skype: daniellipshitz123
Twitter: @daniellipshitz

On Wed, Aug 2, 2023 at 1:38 PM Daniel Lipshitz <> wrote:
Your assessment of my dishonesty is based on your assumption of how I should be running GAP600, your assumptions are baseless and lack commercial experience and likewise your conclusions are false.

I have provided already back in December clear access to clarify opposite our clients corroborated with easily verifiable trxs activity of a major client of ours. This is more than enough to corroborate our statistics. 

As far as validating real RBF adoption I have offered a clear option here something like this or similar would offer a clear assessment of adoption. Since you are not able to provide documents or public emails of hashing pools confirming there adoption of Full RBF.

Daniel Lipshitz
Phone: +44 113 4900 117
Skype: daniellipshitz123
Twitter: @daniellipshitz

On Wed, Aug 2, 2023 at 4:28 AM Peter Todd <> wrote:
On Wed, Aug 02, 2023 at 01:27:24AM +0300, Daniel Lipshitz wrote:
> Your research is not thorough and reaches an incorrect conclusion.
> As stated many times - we service payment processors and some merchants
> directly  - Coinspaid services multiple merchants and process a
> significant amount of BTC they are a well known and active in the space -
> as I provided back in December 2022 a email from Max the CEO of Coinspaid
> confirming their use of 0-conf as well as providing there cluster addresses
> to validate there deposit flows see here again -
> - if this is not sufficient then please email and ask
> to be connected to Max or someone from the team who can confirm Conspaid is
> clients of GAP600. Max also at the time was open to do a call, I can check
> again now and see if this is still the case and connect you.
> That on its own is enough of a sample to validate our statistics.

Why don't you just give me an example of some merchants using Coinspaid, and
another example using Coinpayments, who rely on unconfirmed transactions? If
those merchants actually exist it should be very easy to give me some names of

Without actual concrete examples for everyone to see for themselves, why should
we believe you?

> I have also spoken to Changelly earlier today and they offered to email pro
> @ and they will be able to confirm GAP600 as a service

Emailed; waiting on a reply.

> provider. Also please send me the 1 trx hash you tested and I can see if it
> was queried to our system and if so offer some info as to why it wasnt
> approved. Also if you can elaborate how you integrated with Changelly - I
> can check with them if that area is not integrated with GAP600.

Why don't you just tell me exactly what service Changelly offers that relies on
unconfirmed transactions, and what characteristics would meet GAP600's risk
criteria? I and others on this mailing list could easily do test transactions
if you told us what we can actually test. If your service actually works, then
you can safely provide that information.

I'm not going to give you any exact tx hashes of transactions I've already
done, as I don't want to cause any problems for the owners of the accounts I
borrowed for testing. Given your lack of honesty so far I have every reason to
believe they might be retalliated against in some way.

> As the architect of such a major change to the status of 0-conf
> transactions I would think you would welcome the opportunity to speak to
> business and users who actual activities will be impacted by full RBF
> becoming dominant.

Funny how you say this, without actually giving any concrete examples of
businesses that will be affected. Who exactly are these businesses? Payment
processors obviously don't count.

> Are you able to provide the same i.e emails and contacts of people at
> the mining pools who can confirm they have adopted FULL RBF ?

I've already had multiple mining pools complain to me that they and their
employees have been harassed over full-rbf, so obviously I'm not going to
provide you with any private contact information I have. There's no need to
expose them to further harassment.

If you actually offered an unconfirmed transaction guarantee service, with real
customers getting an actual benefit, you'd be doing test transactions
frequently and would already have a very good idea of what pools do full-rbf.
Why don't you already have this data?

-- 'peter'[:-1]