On Sat, Jun 27, 2015 at 8:13 AM, Peter Todd <pete@petertodd.org> wrote:
On 27 June 2015 03:14:41 GMT-04:00, Aaron Voisine <voisine@gmail.com> wrote:
>Also remember that the sender is not the one who cares about delays or
>getting confirmations at all, it's the receiver who's concerned with
>things. They have to tell the sender up-front what they're willing to
>accept in exchange for goods and services.

You're assuming a receiver who is accepting a zeroconf transaction; most receivers don't.

For instance, when I deposit funds on my exchange they don't credit those funds until 4 confirmations, so I very much cafe about how long it takes to get the first confirmation.

Yes, the receiver can tell the sender up-front that they are only willing accept 4-confirmations, and put that on the sender to figure out, but the sender then only cares because it's the receiver's requirement. The receiver is the one who cares.