On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 12:42 PM Alekos Filini via bitcoin-dev <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
I'm writing this email to announce the launch of bip174.org, a PSBT viewer and editor that runs in the browser.

This will be useful.

I, and the larger Airgapped Wallet Community would love to see you add output of UR-based animated QRs to your website. An increasing number of advanced hardware & software wallets are now supporting Airgapped UR/QR PSBT signing. 

You can see a video example of this in action between the Foundation Devices hardware wallet & Blue Wallet in this video, at the 17m48s mark: 

The easiest to do is output these UR QRs from your site, as there are multiple libraries in multiple languages to support them, but I also know that there are some major web-based transaction coordinator services also planning to add Browser scanning of PSBTs on laptops with cameras as well. 

— Christopher Allen