Over the last few years, Blockchain Commons has been working with our Airgapped Wallet Community to produce interoperability specifications to improve Bitcoin wallet usage — and in the future, other cryptocurrency applications, such as Ethereum wallets, and other cryptography aps, such as chat systems, key-management programs, and more. Our goal is to improve the independence, security, and resilience of cryptographic systems.

We recently put together an introductory video to talk about our initiatives:

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYgOFSdUqWY

We've been working on encoding methods, improved sharding methods, better user interfaces, partitioned architectures, multisig patterns and more. It's all in there!

We've also begun work on new documentation for developers, to help introduce some of our specifications. That begins with a look at Uniform References, our typed method for encoding binary data in plain-text strings that are also well-formed URIs suitable for QR.

* UR Overview — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/crypto-commons/blob/master/Docs/ur-1-overview.md
* A Guide to Using UR for Key Material — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/crypto-commons/blob/master/Docs/ur-2-keys.md

(We've got a few more docs coming soon on using URs interactively and for animated PSBTs and shamir seed shares.)

If anyone is interested in talking about these specifications and other technologies more, I'm always enthusiastic to do so, here or in the Airgapped Wallet Community Discussions. I'm also enthusiastic to get more developers on board in using these technologies, joining folks like Fully Noded, AirGap Vault, BlueWallet, Cobo Wallet, and Sparrow Wallet — interoperability takes a community!

For further details, I've included a set of links for the topics covered in the video.

Christopher Allen
President, Blockchain Commons


* Blockchain Commons Website — https://www.blockchaincommons.com/
* Blockchain Commons Repos — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons
* Airgapped Wallet Community — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/Airgapped-Wallet-Community


* ByteWords — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/Research/blob/master/papers/bcr-2020-012-bytewords.md
* LifeHash — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/bc-lifehash
* SSKR — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/Research/blob/master/papers/bcr-2020-011-sskr.md
* Uniform Resources (URs) — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/Research/blob/master/papers/bcr-2020-005-ur.md
   * Registry of UR Types — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/Research/blob/master/papers/bcr-2020-006-urtypes.md


* ByteWords — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/crypto-commons#bc-bytewords
* LifeHash — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/crypto-commons#lifehash
* SSKR — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/crypto-commons#bc-sskr
* UR — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/crypto-commons#bc-ur


* #SmartCustody — https://www.smartcustody.com/
* TorGap — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/torgap
* Designing Multisigs for Independence & Resilience - https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/Gordian/blob/master/Docs/Multisig.md

* Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line 2.0 - https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/Learning-Bitcoin-from-the-Command-Line


* Gordian Guardian — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/GordianGuardian-iOS
* Gordian Server — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/GordianServer-macOS
* Gordian Wallet — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/GordianWallet-iOS
* Keytool — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/keytool-cli
* LetheKit — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/lethekit
* Seedtool — https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/seedtool-cli